Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My First No Show!!!

Oh yeah, today my patient did not show up! Oh the joys and the stress of it all! Well I went walkign through campus and found a kid that I had meet last weekend and talked him into coming to my chair! Unfortunatly I was not able to get all his quads done but it was great practice! For a 1B he had a lot of calculus so it was wonderful!

My goal for this clinic is to make it a habbit to call my patients the day before the appointment and to get them to show up!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

That was long!

Today was a friend who was a 1B but I was only able to get to the OHI, those xrays take a lot of extra time! I think that by becoming a little more organized I can cut some of that time out but I still don't know how the 2nd years are so fast! I will get there one day! My goal for today is to think of ways that I can cut time out that is unneccesary!


Today I had a Class V patient that would not cooperate! It was horrible, he wouldn't stop getting on his cell but it was work calls so he had to! Luckly my instructor helped me and let me take more time because she saw how bad he was! My goal is to try and find more class 2 or 3 so that Im not looking for them at the end!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First Patient Finished

Today I finished my first 1B paitient! Oh yeah! I had Vinning as my instructor and I learned so much from him, first that once you get an OD you do not have to again even if its a second appointment! Second is that I think I took scaling way to much, there is not that much calculus on a 1B. Also on the blue sheet you only need to mark sub or supra, not BOTH! Oh that makes it so much easier and logical! My goal is to learn where to find patients, so I need to talk to Mrs Cambell.

Monday, January 7, 2008

First Day back!!!

Well all I have to say is that christmas vacation was so nice and Im not ready to be back! But I am so today we learned the gracy's and ultra sonic scaler! Oh yeah! I really enjoyed the ultra sonic scaler but I had a hard time feeling things with it. I liked the comment to go and know where the calculus is, then use explorer to find it. My goal for next time is to go home and advise a way to organize my instruments that works for me!