Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last class 3!

I was really worried today that my patient would not show up! Last time she was schelduled they just forgot. She did show up today and might I add really early! I finished scaling a 1B. I finished my goal and got her mouth scaled in less then an 30 min! Now lets just hope I get faster then that! My class 3 then came in and Julie and I finished her 3 quads since I had an extra for her. I cleaned one quad without her assisting and then the next with her help! Talk about amazing! It would so be great if we could help assist with eachother with our harder paitients! It lets your mind focus on what is to be done and not so much on the little things! Not only that but in return you get to have their suggestions as they help you and then watch how they do things when its thier turn! It improved my scaling by the hundreds!!! It deffinatly was an eye opening day! Today I will admit that my goal is to go home and figure out what is wrong with me! I'm not feeling well today.

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