Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My last CA day of the year!!!

Today I did my CA day at the VA! Weird to think that I will never do another one of these agian!

The major delemma that I ran into today was patients showing up... like usual. Last week no one showed up, and no one did much about it, I didn't even get a patient. Funny how this week the VA staff is running frantic to get us patients... ironic! Oh well, Im glad they started to.


holly said...

Hooray for being done with your CA days! That's nice to get that done with. I still have to do both my CA days this semester. :(

P.S. I miss seeing you in WSU Clinic.

Anonymous said...

feels great to be done as a
CA huh! I can't believe we are almost done with school!!

Vickie's Side said...

The only other thing that is as final is the day after christmas. You have to start a new mind set. Kind of wierd! Feels good to be done!