Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Little better luck this time...

Today I just could not find a patient for the morning appointment, I don't know about you guys but it seems like no one wants to take those.... I guess I wouldn't want to either, way too early in the morning for me. I had my mom come and save me in the morning, and to my surprise, her lingual bar was much easier to clean then the other, so maybe it has to do with the individual more. It was really rewarding seeing her come back for her six month recall and to see all of the improvements of some of her pockets and bleeding. Not to mention that she was really excited to see all the hard work that she started doing is paying off too! My afternoon pt was older and a challenge for me. She was a complete naturalist, so that meant I got re-educate her about x-rays, thank goodness for digital..., talk her into fluoride, and all the other fun stuff that we do. She was actually really receptive of me, I think it is because I listened to her side, and then said that why don't we do that and try adding a few of mine to it too. It will be fun to see how her perio might increase or decrease by her next recall.

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