Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Class IV!!!!

Today I had 2 returning patients, one to finish up who was calss II and the other was after a year when I cleaned her last. I was hoping that she would still be class IV and not V, and to my luck she has not done the best on her personal oral habbits so that she still had bleeding, supperation, and larger pocket depths (yes ladies, Im talking 9 and 10's!!!). Sadly it was a lovely sight to behold! I ran into some amazingly tough calculus!!! I just kept going over it, making short overlapping strokes and eventually it came off. I also really liked the extra mini gracey that Alexander let me try! It was great at accessing the pocket!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Isn't it sad that we consider ourselves lucky when our patients completely ignore our recommendations and we learn that we've had no impact on their oral health! But I would be just as excited as you to still have a class IV :)