Thursday, March 5, 2009


I agree with Camille... May will be here before we know it! And lets be honest, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Today I was able to see some eaiser patients and get those requirements done! Yeah! But what I want to write today of is my great expeirence in radiology (why is it if you screw it all up they say that it's a great experience, I say it sucked!) I did a full mouth with scan-x. She had a tiny mouth so we thought we could get them all on one film. And I was almost right except on a few the root just curved right out of the film. So after loading them, I did the others... and you have to load them all seperatly or else they get errased! yes, I lost all of those xrays... and she did not want to take them agian, who would! aghh! Oh well, I learned, hope you guys do to!


mindy-lou said...


I totally understand! I had a nightmare experience with the Scan-x and a full mouth too!

I lost a bunch of my x-rays and some were double was horrible.

So don't worry, you're not alone.

Dustin and Nicole said...

Scary! I've only used it once for BWX and I don't know if I'm ready for a FMX. I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way! I had a "great experience" in radiology this past week too. I know they say you'll never make that mistake again to make you feel somewhat better but I'd rather just never make the mistake period :s Too late now I suppose? I hope you're taking good care of my pod :D later!