Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Oh what do I do now?!!!!

My patient decided to cancell on me 10 min after her appointment started! What the crap!!! And she no showed on me for her first appointment. She called saying that she was sick and asleep and could not wake up in time to call me! The problem is that she is 2 quads of a 2 and I really need her mouth! I might have two other individuals that are 2 or 3 so I might not need her but her OD is already done! I need some advice, do I schedule her again or just forget about her and say I'm booked till the next semester????? HELP!!!!


tiffers said...

That sucks! I have had basically the same thing happen. In my opinion it would probably be easier and a lot less stressful to schedule someone that will actually show up. But then again there are no guarantees that they will show up either. Good luck.

The Pyper's! said...

hm.... That is a tough situation. I am thinking no don't reschedule her and maybe just take your chances in getting some more perio.